

Fixie, you guys must be familiar with this one. Fixie, an unique bike and different with general other bikes. Why ? because generally bicycle has a lot of wires for front and rare breaks. But it's different with Fixie which has one for front break, but some Fixie has no any cable, because Its pedals spin when wheels turn. It's because Fixie uses a permanent hub pole with nut, a different design with MTB or modern road bike.

gear of  fixie

That's why Fixie riders have to be smart for controlling theirs, because the rate spiked on the pedals. Just like when breaking a Fixie, for Fixie which has no break it has to put a halt of pedals to the back. Tires of Fixie are made thinner and generally measure 27" . For its handlebar , Fixie doesn't use sheep's horn model but mostly uses straight model such as MTB. Fixie frames made of alumunium which lighter and stronger but also more expensive. Fixie velg also has various kind of models, although has a same shape and size but some are made thicker. Fixie mostly purchased with a plain color frame because the riders want to modify their fixie by changing the velg and handlebar or paint it be more colorful or maybe by adding accessories such as silicon lamp.

hub pole
image by google



For you guys must be familiar with this one. Fixie, it's a unique simple bike and teenagers love it. For teens, Fixie is used for their style but they keep its main function. Beside for keeping their health, people also make Fixie be an art event. For example, they make Fixie tricks and competiton of it. If we look back, Fixie has been a worldwide. Beside tricks, They can also modify their Fixie by putting accessories like silicon lamps, or changing the tires and handlebar be more colorful and look cool. It's interesting isn't it ?

That's why I wonder with this one. I love art, Fixie makes this art be alive. It keeps Fixie be good-looking. I got some shots , hope you like these ones fellas ♥

(images resource : http://www.google.co.id/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1280&bih=621&q=fixie+art&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= )